How to Buy My Demos (an update)
To Buy My Music
Read this first!
It's always great to know if you're planning on sending me anything - in case the letter/package gets lost in the jungle of the postal service... Also - coins tend to ruin envelopes and get lost along the way so try to send bills but if this isn't possible tape the coins to a piece of paper or a card.
Click the pictures for close-ups!
Miss Takes - Light - The Night!
printed slip WITH Lyrics in plastic pocket!!!

50 SEK / 7 Euros / 10 USD
'"wolflike they are" (2006)
special edition (90 copies and counting down!)

50 SEK / 7 Euros / 10 USD
"wolflike they are" (2006)
ordinary plastic pocket demo

40 SEK / 6 Euros / 8.50 USD
"You" Is More Me Than "I" (2005)

30 SEK / 5 Euros / 5.50 USD
"Five Song Demo" (2003)

30 SEK / 5 Euros / 5.50 USD
Read this first!
It's always great to know if you're planning on sending me anything - in case the letter/package gets lost in the jungle of the postal service... Also - coins tend to ruin envelopes and get lost along the way so try to send bills but if this isn't possible tape the coins to a piece of paper or a card.
- Specify CD.
- Send money calculated/CD and an addressed (your address) envelope.
- Sara Culler
Södra Parkgatan 33
214 22, Malmö
Sweden - E-mail me before you order at:
saraculler [at] gmail [dot] com
Click the pictures for close-ups!
Miss Takes - Light - The Night!
printed slip WITH Lyrics in plastic pocket!!!

50 SEK / 7 Euros / 10 USD
'"wolflike they are" (2006)
special edition (90 copies and counting down!)

50 SEK / 7 Euros / 10 USD
"wolflike they are" (2006)
ordinary plastic pocket demo

40 SEK / 6 Euros / 8.50 USD
"You" Is More Me Than "I" (2005)

30 SEK / 5 Euros / 5.50 USD
"Five Song Demo" (2003)

30 SEK / 5 Euros / 5.50 USD
My Music...
The music listening deal with is down until after Christmas. So, I will probably not be able to post any songs until this is deal solved. But I thought I could post some info anyway ;-)
The newest demo for the moment is "You" Is More Me Than "I"
This Demo has not been shared with anyone except for my closest beings... Now it is your turn.
If you wish to own this demo please e-mail me @:
[email protected]
I usually ask people to send me a letter containing an addressed envelope + stamp for return and 30 SEK/cd (for forgin money please e-mail me first and we'll sort it out).
30 SEK
My first real demo is "sold out" (hihihi it's not really that serious but it's fun to say). No. I sold the last one in April, but I'll be more than happy to burn some more if anyone is interested... E-mail me as written above.
30 SEK
I really wish that I could give you something to listen to directly. I'll try to sort things out for you ASAP - there might be a string or two to pull...
Thank you to everyone who has made my first day as a blogger loveable, you know who you are ;-)
See ya soon,
The newest demo for the moment is "You" Is More Me Than "I"
This Demo has not been shared with anyone except for my closest beings... Now it is your turn.
If you wish to own this demo please e-mail me @:
[email protected]
I usually ask people to send me a letter containing an addressed envelope + stamp for return and 30 SEK/cd (for forgin money please e-mail me first and we'll sort it out).

My first real demo is "sold out" (hihihi it's not really that serious but it's fun to say). No. I sold the last one in April, but I'll be more than happy to burn some more if anyone is interested... E-mail me as written above.

I really wish that I could give you something to listen to directly. I'll try to sort things out for you ASAP - there might be a string or two to pull...
Thank you to everyone who has made my first day as a blogger loveable, you know who you are ;-)
See ya soon,

I love cats :-)
(Burnet, Texas I think. Sometime in the early 80's)