I will play some shows before I leave
If you want to book me go to the "contact" link in the "About Sara Culler" text on my MySpace profile.
Back in the saddle again…
China dates
The venues for my China tour are starting to drop in - The two first announced are:
- Beijing Pop Festival!!! !!! !!!
- Nanjing Art Institute!!! !!! !!!
I'm really excited about this!
Also - I might be doing some shows with two bands I really LOVE. More to come in a not too distant future. All I can say is it's in a country here in Europe!
Oh - And come to my show on the 20th - It's in Malmö - Home :O)
New gigs
Things are slowly progressing... I've worked too much to be able to write you all a well-deserved, INTERESTING, blog... Will do that soon or at least I will try...
Anyhow - I just added some gigs on my MySpace.
One is in my hometown July 20th @ Mollevangsfestivalen - TBA time and stage - Lovely Malmo!
The others can be summed up as my first real tour! They are all still TBC/TBA at the moment but mainly it all comes down to if I can get tour support - I'll edit them ASAP. It's the tour that counts :O) The story? My dad got tired of the States and moved to China to teach English at one of the oldest universities there - Yada, yada, yada - There was media and venue interest - Yada, yada, yada - I'm going to tour China!!!
Opening for Oppenheimer - New York - Austin - Back Traceing
It was strange playing a gig in Röstånga - small village in Sweden - after playing gigs at SXSW, in and around the NY area! The show went great! David & the Citizens (David and I this show) opened for me ;o) A really great evening all in all and great food and Andy kept us company with great stories whilst throwing back beer way into the night! I recommend you all to visit the Station House in Röstånga - It's been a favorite place for about ten years now.
These past weeks have been amongst the best in a LOT of years!
First of all - In Austin I got to meet relatives whom I've haven't met in more than a decade! This is just GREAT and I love them dearly! I even got to meet my brother - Love you George! So sad in a way that SXSW was at the same time - It all got so hectic but now we have touched base and well be back in a not to distant future.
The second thing was going back to Texas for the firs time in ten years - This time to play music! My WOXY show was great but not flawless (says the self-critical artist...). I loved meeting the guys Matt and Mike and they were in this amazing studio that the owner James built! It was called EAR studio! Austin was GREAT and SXSW CRAZY!!! My favorite place there was South Congress and all the yard parties! All the gigs I did with David as David & the Citizens went great! FINALLY I got to see my all-time favorite band, Oppenheimer!!! They are the greatest and if you've been reading this blog you might have caught my superlatives of them a couple of hundred times. They played after us at the CD-Store End Of An Ear on South First Street. The great Thurston Moore played there the day after us!!! Anyway - Oppenheimer thought that they did their worst show but I was just sooo psyched to finally see them and just thought the show was awesome! My dear Texan friend Scott was there and it was sooo great to see him too!!! He became a regular hanging out with us the whole SXSW week. We even got to meet his cousin and her husband - They were great people as well! We got to see a Oppenheimer one more time in Austin and they were the best once again! Sooo sad to leave Austin - I've always been the one LOVING when the temperature hits 109F (ca 43C) - I'm not the three-five months of winter type of girl... Most of all, the friendly people who know how to treat each other nicely and also once again - My DEAR relatives and Scott!
New York came as a wall of ice with sub zero degrees hitting us as we got off the plane! Snow and nothing green on ANY plants! We did some good gigs as David & the Citizens and the best one was at Union Hall where Skippy and his crew showed us a very un New York-an welcoming and gave us a great night! New York was great apart from the cold and also that David and I got some CRAZY stomach sickness... When we played two gigs in one night (Mercury Lounge and Galapagos) I had to warn the audience that I might have to run off the stage or just have a Gwar-type show... The two last days in NY were the best ones! Temperatures hit the upper 70ies lower 80ies (25-30 C) and the city flourished! We went to The Knitting Factory on Leonard Street where they were hosting and Irish Music Showcase and Oppenheimer were playing. I got to meet them and some other people with whom I've been emailing with over the internet and reading about and business mailing to! Great show from Oppenheimer (of course) and all!!! The best thing about the whole deal was that Oppenheimer asked me TO OPEN FOR THEM the day after!!! So the day after David and I got into the van with Oppenheimer, their great sound guy Gerry and their two friends René and Adele and drove up to Connecticut and New Haven to play a show at Adele's collage. This was the first time Oppenheimer got to see me play and I did a CRAP show! Haha - I guess it all evens out since Oppenheimer thought that the first show I caught of them was CRAP! Great fun and lovely Corona all the way back to New York and we even got airhorned as they left us off by our home on 8th Ave and 20th St.
Love is in my heart for all the people who have crossed path with us these past weeks. Now we are working to get some serious money to come back! Below are pictures from my WOXY.com session!
Stay true!
Yours always,

New Gig! And other stuff...
I've got a cold but I'm totally manic, recording what will become a pop anthem ;O)
Working title "But Are You Sleeping"...
Anyway. I'm writing to let you all know that I'll be opening for Juliana Hatfield at KB on the 9th of November.
The cover charge is 100 SEK. Doors open at 8.00 PM Show starts at 9.00 PM. That is 20.00 and 21.00 for you Europeans ;o)
I will also be travelling with David & the Citizens to do some backing vox on some of their Swedish and European dates. If your are at any of the shows you'll be able to buy my bestseller demo - Wolflike They Are -
Good music and the nicest people are:
- OPPENHEIMER (thanx for existing, Rocky)!
- Futia Expo '79 (thanx for beautiful songs and a good cooperation)!
Check them out!

Photo: Felicia Culler
Sara Culler - Live Debut In Ireland
Yes, it is true!
I'll be doing my (solo) live debut in Ireland!
Forfey Festival asked me over and I thought it was a GREAT opportunity so they will be flying us (David and I) over on August 25th. We will be performing songs off my two latest demos + some new ones. David will be playing drums, bass and a little guitar + backing vocals on different tracks (not all at the same time ;O). I'll be handling the porta studio that will be playing back tracks and also focusing on guitar and vocals.
It's going to be FUN but I hope my nerves will cope… When debuting with David Fridlund (the solo project) my nerves were cooking… Therefore my mind went blank about ten times when on stage…
Visit the Festivals Home Page
their MySpace
To a semi-related thing - I may have found a third band member or let's say - He may have found me… More to come.
Well, I got to go and teach David some bass lines now.