Spam, spam, spam

Hi Guys!
I've been having problems with spam recently so I've changed my spam settings. In this case it means that you won't be able to see your comment until I have approved of it.
I guess that's why I had four posts from you a day ago or so ;-) Thank you by the way!

All in all - I hope this won't prevent you all from commenting - as I L-O-V-E comments!

Here's a picture of spam for you all - Not computer spam - REAL spam ;-)



Posted by: Sabrina

Is it working again? Test! Do you know why "spam" is used for unwanted mails? Because of a Monty Python sketch. You can read the story here:

I guess I'm spamming your blog too now so I'll stop it and have a funny maths lesson now *cries*

2006-04-12 @ 07:59:07
Posted by: Sara

Hi Sabrina! Yes I'm very familiar with the sketch! A classic if I may say so! And NO! You are not spamming my blog - You are making it feel more like home ;-) Thanx for commenting! Will you be coming to any of the Fridlund shows next month? Hope so!
Take care!

2006-04-12 @ 12:16:34
Posted by: Sabrina

Yes, I will definitely go to the gig in Berlin. I'm very looking forward to it! Oh, that reminds me: I mustn't forget to buy the train tickets! =O See you there!

And have a very happy Easter!

2006-04-13 @ 12:03:47
Posted by: Anders

What IS real spam anyway? :-P

Posted by: anneke

ooh a spam thing. sorry! i just posted 2 times again i think

and when is that berlin thing? i still have to go to a gig with sabrina :p

2006-05-06 @ 19:08:43

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