Nudie Café - Tokyo

Nudie Café

So - one of the songs from my first demo ~ Five Song Demo ~  "A Story Full" has been featured on a compilation that was playing a couple of weeks in honor of and for this event called Nudie Café - A Swedish Style Event (they apparently even had Absolute Vodka)!!! The CD and my song played a few weeks in Café Pause a cool café in Tokyo, Japan!! The playlists of all the compilations where on the placements on the tables! BIG THANX to Marc Xavier LeBlanc (aka DJ Bones).

Now I thought this was a bit more fun than reading about my snotty nose but if you insist - hop down to the post before this one and read about my current status...

Still waving from a far to keep you safe from my fluelike cold...


Posted by: Mango

Hej Sara! Hur är läget med dig egentligen? Jag kommer ner till Malmö på måndag kanske vi kan fika nån dag? Har spelat in och grejat för fullt på senaste. Hoppas de har det bra.


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