Sara Culler on Famous For 15MB

It's now February and the issue with Sara Culler is archived January 2006 - 
click to check it out

Check out the new stuff as well - It's Great!


"Famous For 15mb is a completely new place for deserving artistic talent. In 15 easy to use spaces, we offer you the cream of all the under-booked and possibly overlooked musical and audiovisual artists from around this small planet".

A friend of mine kindly recommended me to the great people behind this site. It features a LOT of great and interesting music. On the 15th every month they will add 15 new acts. It could be you ;-)

Go check them out!

It's always nice to be noticed. Today I found that BBC 6 Music had chosen me as "this weeks choice" - the best free music they've stumbled across on the net this week! (someone elses turn now!)

I'm currently recording a lot. Don't give up on my blog and me if I don't have a lot of new and exciting posts every week. I'll try to do my best.
Visit my MySpace or even better, join MySpace and become my friend - I will definitely add you!


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