With birthday comes wishes
I've survived the horrid year of death - the infamous year when all the post life geniuses end their lives.
Tomorrow I'll be beating the heat and the street, going down to the south of Germany to sing with David & the Citizens (they are having a major heatwave down there...).
I wish:
- our love will last forever.
- health will last forever.
- that I had a record label.
- that i had a lot of new, fun and interesting comments on my MySpace and my "home blog" when I get home.
Hope you all are fine and that you stay so ;o)
Take care for now,
New Biography on my MySpace
I just wanted you all to know that I just finished my new biography and it's posted on my MySpace. It contains a swift survey of me and my previous work and also some very nice and interesting quotes from people on the net and on the air! One quote is from the P3 Lab radio show that I wrote about a couple of days ago. It's translated into English so that all my wonderful English speaking readers can take part of what was said about me and "wolflike they are" - the song and the demo!
Hope you find it interesting!

Well - It sure was great hearing Pelle Gustafsson play "wolflike they are" and put SUCH lovely words to it! I'll translate the words and post them next week.
Airtime was short but you can listen to it (in Swedish) here or just make your own mix tape with different songs from the show - Of Course including "wolflike they are" - You cant hear it on my MySpace and you cant hear it here on my "home blog". Hop on over to:
Digfi and P3 Lab's forum for young and new music in any stile or genre!
Help me out and spread the news!
Lots of love,
News of the Week!

Here it is!
Swedish Public Radio P3 will be playing "wolflike they are"!
The radio show P3-Lab is a show for "unsigned" or "smaller" acts that deserve airtime! Pelle Gustafsson, host of the show, wrote me a couple of questions and I wrote him back. Therefore there will be some very fresh news on the show as well!
So if you don't have anything to do on Saturday evening (July 8th) tune in!
Otherwise - you'll be able to listen to the show post broadcast if you surf:
then click the link to the right under "lyssna på senaste programmet" which means "listen to the latest show".
Okie! Take care in the summer heat and be careful in the sun!