Yes it's true. My new demo is finally here!!!
The demo includes the song "at least like melissa" and I can promise you that the other songs have followed in the same footsteps.
"jupiter and i" - a "orchestrated" song with a time ticking clock telling about struggles against something bigger than yourself. Click here to download or get over to my MySpace and stream it and other songs! Thanx to Magnus Bjerkert for lending me server space!
"wicked autumn kiss" - the longing and wanting to be somewhere else - where autumn is ok - but autumn is also something darker and it hides amongst the trees - breathing down your collar.
"wolflike they are" - a song for two parties. One is told to keep their wolves inside - The other is told to shut off and run - but is stuck in it all.
"i bleed you tonight" is a love song from a warm heart in a cold place.